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Tom's Latest New Release:


Excerpt from New Release!

The lieutenant stood in the cabin aboard His Majesty’s Ship Otter.


“Well, what have ye to say?” asked Captain Matthew Squire. Seated behind a table, Squire gazed coldly up at him, the corners of his mouth downturned.


“Sir, as ordered, we marched to the o!ce of the Virginia Gazette and Norfolk Intelligencer. I stationed my men—”


“Damn your eyes, Lieutenant, I want to know whether you carried out my orders, not a blow by blow description of marching.” Squire’s gravelly voice cut sharply into the lieutenant’s narrative. 


Resisting the desire to grind his teeth, the lieutenant changed tacks. “Yes, sir. We entered the o!ce and seized the printing press and what supplies we could #nd. A crowd of perhaps #fty or sixty of the damn—” He paused, swallowing hard. “Beg pardon, sir. I meant fifty or sixty colonials. They stood quiet-like, sir, and watched. I had my men keep a close eye on them, but there was no trouble.”


“So, Lord Dunmore can print and publish papers from his flagship, then?”


The lieutenant licked his lips. “Ah, no, sir, not quite.” Seeing Squire’s mouth open, he quickly interjected, “There wasn’t any ink, sir. We took everything in the place apart, sir, and there weren’t no ink in the whole place. The printer hisself was not to

be found, sir.”


The officer’s carefully cultivated speech collapsed under his sudden burst of fear. He pushed on. “Sir, my men searched the houses around, but he wasn’t there. He must have been warned, sir.”


He stopped, waiting for the explosion. When it didn’t come, he added, “But we did capture the bookbinder and a journeyman printer, sir. A Mr. Joseph Conant and a Mr. Alexander Cameron.”


The sun slanting through the stern windows reflected off a wave top, directly into the lieutenant’s eyes. He blinked.


Squire smiled coldly. “Well, no matter. We’ve got the press and we can find ink tomorrow or the next day. Lord Dunmore will have his newsprint, and we’ll finally have the truth out. And one of the first things to print is his order closing the ports of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk. Not a single ship will be allowed in or out without a permit signed by Lord Dunmore. And I will recommend he not grant any. These damned colonials are going to pay for the damage they’ve done to the Navy, for what they’ve stolen from us. In money, in property, and in lives.”


Squire stood in dismissal. He turned to look out the stern windows. Gray smoke rose from the distant town of squat houses and shops, blending with the low clouds overhead. As the lieutenant stepped out, he heard Squire say, “Yes, indeed, they will pay.”


Audible Version of Against All Enemies

For those who prefer audiobooks, get ready for the upcoming release of the Audible version of Against All Enemies, Tom Wing's gripping military fiction. Whether you're on the go or just prefer listening, the new audiobook brings this thrilling story to life with dramatic narration that captures the intensity of the narrative. Stay tuned for updates on the release date! 


Tom's books are for you if you like ...


Dive into naval and maritime fiction, rich in detail and inspired by real-world military events and nautical history, perfect for readers passionate about naval warfare, sea battles, and historical conflicts


Tom's novels are rich in historical detail, offering high-stakes military action and immersive stories, ideal for readers who crave intense narratives set against significant nautical events and conflicts.


Explore the carefully researched narratives that seamlessly intertwine naval strategy with adventurous nautical journeys, tailored for those who enjoy military tactics and sea-bound expeditions.


With vivid historical settings and sensory-rich storytelling, Tom's books immerse you in the sights, sounds, and smells of naval history, offering a unique blend of real-world experiences and thrilling sea adventures. 


The man who fights for his family is far more dangerous than the one who fights for his king.


Colonial sea captain Jonas Hawke returns home to Norfolk after a year-long voyage only to have his ship and its valuable cargoseized by the British Royal Navy. As the royal governor further tightens the noose on trade, Jonas is thrust into the chaos of a growing rebellion. Desperate to support his family, he sets out to find work. When he is denied a commission with the newly formed Continental Navy, he outfits his own vessel as a private ship-of-war and voyages to the Caribbean in search of enemy merchant ships he can capture and friends he can trust.


But dangers multiply on the unforgiving sea. The Royal Navy reacts mercilessly to the threat posed by privateers like Jonas. How will Jonas fare now that he has boldly defied the king of Britain to preserve his family? And what will happen to his loved ones while he is away, engulfed in a war to oppose tyranny in the name of freedom?


Tom Wing is a retired naval officer who served for over three decades, with a passion for storytelling that draws on his extensive military background. He lives in San Diego with his family. When he's not spending time with his family and friends or on the water, Tom is dedicated to writing novels that bring history to life with rich detail and authenticity.


Laura Taylor, six-time Romantic Times award-winner


In Harm’s Way: Authentic. Captivating. Historically accurate. Inspirational. The British demonstrate their contempt for the pre-Revolutionary War colonists, both on land and at sea. Rejectingthe King’s rule, the colonists assert their disdain for British soldiers and seamen. Captain Jonas Hawke, commissioned as a privateer by the Founding Fathers of the !edgling United States of America, pledges to fight as long and as hard as is necessary to shed the loathsome governance of the English king and his self-serving

minions. Naval history comes alive, courtesy of the author, retired US Navy Commander Thomas Wing, Naval Academy and Naval War College graduate. A 5-star read!


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